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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Safari Themed Birthday

This is our first attempt at planning and setting up a birthday party!  Not bad for our first one, I must say. The table design was created by Sarah Stephensen and myself, Mandy Estes. The alligator cupcakes were created by the birthday boy's aunt, wish we could've claimed that one! :) If you like what you see please e-mail firefliesandcattails@gmail.com and let us know what you think. If you're interested in hosting a party and could use a little help contact us. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Better Late than Never

Finally, some pictures from our Corn Maze excursion. :) Enjoy!
Samantha and I taking pictures. :)

He's excited!

We went to our local corn maze; as far as I know it was new this year. I've never been through one before but apparently they're supposed to give you a map to follow (which we didn't get). We creepily followed the family in front of us but I think we made it unnoticed. :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fabric Flowers Really Get Me Excited!

I get excited about the littlest things lately! Tomorrow I'm going to get materials to make fabric flowers. I found a bunch of awesome tutorials on Tip Junkie. The pictures above are from the site. They're so adorable! I can't wait! A side note: I started this blog thinking I would make a lot of items for boys after I was disappointed to find the craft fairs were lacking (I have one boy). Alas, it seems as though we need to add a little girl to the family because I just can't help myself with the girly crafts. Not to worry, I still have a few things in mind for the grimier of the sexes. :)

I still haven't pulled the corn maze photos from my camera. I'll get them posted someday. Bye for now.