I've had the weirdest viral infection ever. It's called hand, foot, and mouth disease. It's a virus that affects mainly infants and children but adults can get it too. I think Noah had a little spout of it last week. Our friends had it first so I'm guessing we picked it up from them. Some of the symptoms are cold sores in your mouth and blisters on your hands and feet {more info here}. I had 7 tiny blisters on the palms of my hands and two blisters on the side of my pinky toe and the toe next to it. I haven't really felt sick my mouth just hurts SO BAD. I can't even smile without it hurting. Needless to say, I've been a little bit cranky and short-tempered. I've also tried to avoid talking as much as possible.
So I was sitting outside feeling sorry for myself while Noah was playing and I started feeling sorry for him instead because I realized I haven't been the nicest person the past few days. Just then it occurred to me how I could make it up to him...a nice relaxing picnic! The weather is so nice out right now...a breezy 75 degrees. We made our way inside, I grabbed our picnic quilt, and prepared our lunch. For Noah I made popcorn chicken, string cheese, pita bread with peanut butter, and blueberries for dessert. I had chicken salad in a pita pocket and shared some of Noah's blueberries. We had a healthy lunch all around. I was so proud of him, he ate EVERYTHING I gave him except a couple bites of his pita & peanut butter {because I stole some}.

- Yeah, we picnic'd in our front yard. Is that hillbilly?

- Thanks orajel for helping me muster up this smile. ;-)

- pretty old quilt that my mom's mom made...i think.

Stupid cold sores, you're not going to ruin my day! We're going to have fun anyway! And we did. Now Noah is taking his nap and all is quiet and peaceful in the house. I'm so thankful for this nice weather and that I'm able to be at home with the most important little person in my life. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love watching him grow and learn. I love raising him all day everyday. We're so BLESSED!
I'm glad you're feeling better. You know, I saw some cattails a couple days ago and thought about you. And you almost never seem them in this part of SC. When I'm not feeling well, I have to TRY to remind myself that my husband isn't the source of my problem. I can turn into a sourpuss so I like to hole up in our bedroom...then he'll still like me when i'm well. ;) It looked like beautiful day for a picnic! Don't worry, y'all didn't look hillbilly at all!