This week marks the first week into the last month until my first craft fair! I'm super nervous, I'm not even half way done with my inventory and we (my friend
Sarah and I are sharing a booth) have no idea how our booth is going to look. So far we have three tables and a promise from my husband for a wall to be built.
So what have I been doing this week? Making lots and lots of headbands, placing last minute supply orders, and running to the fabric store for Spring colors!
So here are some rough pictures (taken with the ol' iphone4, please forgive me...) of some new items!
These flowers are so fun to make but they are a little time consuming.
The blue button on this one came from my Grandma's button box. :) |
I plan to make a lot more Razorback themed headbands like this one...after all it's RAZORBACK NATION!
Just look how fun and cute these tiny Rosette earrings are. :)
And subject change.....
I can't just work the whole time! I am a stay at home mom with a 14 month old so of course we must go on adventures. Our favorite place to go every week is Granny's house. We take the radio flyer wagon and go for walks around the neighborhood.
Granny and Noah |
Noah likes to carry sticks, and brooms, and golf clubs, pretty much anything that is long and narrow. haha!
And in other Noah news:
He has learned to climb onto the furniture. Lord, help me. Amen.
That's my week in a nutshell. Would love to hear how your week has gone! Have you gone on any exciting crafting adventures?
Be sure to look for a giveaway in the near future. I mentioned on twitter last week that I would have one up this week but I've been super busy so instead of promising a date I'll just say it'll be soon.
Hope you have a spectacular weekend!