Remember these?
Here's the tutorial!
Hey y'all! I'm linking up with Kim at Yellow Songbird today for the Saturday Snapshot.
This is sweet baby Noah.
He is my one and only little boy. He's 17 months old and getting smarter every day. And despite the flower behind his ear he is all rough and tough, snails and puppy dog tails, boy. He tries to catch flies and picks up dry dead worms.
His favorite things are:
golf, playing it and watching it on TV with Grandpa,
Reading books with Mommy,
{If You Give a Mouse a Cookie; If You Give a Pig a Pancake; Big Red Barn; are just some of his favs}
being outside,
giving hugs and kisses,
wearing flip flops,
eating snacks with daddy before dinner,
and playing in the water...just to name a few.
He's super smart too. He knows what were saying and he mimics our actions. I can ask him to get a diaper and lay down for me to change him and he will. I discovered that way is a lot easier than just grabbing him and doing it. He used to cry about it but now he likes to take part in it! Just yesterday we were in the bathroom and I was brushing my teeth when I looked down to find him trying to file his toe-nails. I don't remember filing my nails in front of him before but I must have. His little brain is a sponge soaking everything in. I love watching him grow and learn!
So, that's a little bit about Noah. I love him. :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
& here's their website.
Adorable isn't it?
Here are the earrings I bought:
I'm currently in a yellow phase, it's so bright and cheery I can't help myself.
After the farmers market, some shopping on the square, and lunch we went to Prairie Grove to find a flea market. We ended up going to Daisies and Olives.
I fell in love with this 1950's set of bobwhite dishes. They were a little pricey so I had to pass but aren't they cute?
Hey I learned something while we were there! Apparently this was a biscuit jar back in the day.
{that's what my mama told me}
And here is what I ended up coming home with: a pretty flower pot $1{bought at a goodwill type store on the way to the flea market}, watering can $?, small vintage cake stand $16, Fire King pie plate $3, vintage sewing supply box $5 {my mama bought for me}, and two birdies $4 {my aunt Wilma bought the one on the left for me}
I'm really excited to use this for my best friend's bridal shower Saturday!
I needed this for sure! Right now all of my threads are in a box and very unorganized.
I love birds and they seemed to be everywhere Saturday. I also noticed a lot of different dog book ends. What seems to be trending in the flea markets in your area?
When we had finished at the flea market we decided to seek out cobbler and coffee. Such a perfect way to end the day and build up lost energy. I don't know about you but flea marketing can leave you feeling exhausted.
Yes those are scratch off tickets on our table. And you know who won? That's right my mama, the sweet one. Not only did she win, she won twice. A total of 8 bucks. I think she's the only one that won because she could care less if she wins or not. :)
Do you like to go to flea markets? What are some of the treasures you have found? I'd love to know!
yesterday i shared a couple diy fathers day gift ideas i found on pinterest. i finished the iphone card without any problems but the awesome dad photographs still have a few kinks to work out.
we had our photo shoot today at granny's house because her yard is super cute.
well, i was hoping for better cooperation but i must say i'm delighted with the rather humorous shots little squirt gave me.
here are the three the made the cut. :)
he didn't want to hold the letters the way mommy wanted him to and that is just fine
because we can still make out what they are
and they still spell dad no matter how you look at it.
so there! ha! i win!
oh and we wanted to show some love to grandpa and papa but he won the battle on that front.
this is as close as we got.
maybe we'll try again next year.
and lastly, here's squirtles posing with his t-ball gear.
so. cute.
and now i have another problem.
the frame i bought is for 3x5 photos. and walmart doesn't print that size.
what to do what to do?! i'll figure something out.
i'd love to hear/see what you're doing for the dad's in your life. if you have a post about it leave a link in the comment section below! hope to hear from you!
i think i'm more excited about this father's day than any other. thanks to pinterest i've found a fantastic tutorial for a card that absolutely fits my man's personality to a t. thats not all, i also found inspiration for the perfect gift! i can't wait to share the complete project with you. :)
if your guy is all about the apple products then this homemade card is for you...errr him. all you need for this project is black and white cardstock, spray adhesive, an exact-o knife {if you're a crafty mom & you don't have one you will find yourself needing one eventually, might as well buy one}, a cutting mat, and markers. easy peasy.
want to make this for your guy? here's the tutorial.
found it via pinterest.
prepare yourself for cuteness overload for this next father's day gift idea. now if i can just get noah to cooperate {& the weather}. i bought wooden letters {d & a} from hobby lobby and painted them my favorite color, teal. i also bought a picture frame so awesome that i can't explain it with words. you'll just have to wait and see. ;) i can only imagine the cuteness and hilariousness that will become of our little upcoming photo shoot.
found this picture on pinterest as well.
i hope these DIY fathers day projects have inspired you as much as they have me. now go whip up something special for the dads in your life!
mandy <3
I go to a women's fellowship on Thursday nights. I haven't been able to go faithfully but I have gotten to go 4 times out the 12 or so times they've met but Thursday's fellowship was awesome! We're doing a read along with Beth Moore's book "So Long Insecurities". And she said something sort of profound in the chapter we listened to.
"Where in the world did we conclude that we have to subtract value from ourselves in order to give credit to someone else?"-Beth Moore
Let that sink in for just a moment. As women we have all compared ourselves to one another at some point. We do it so often we've grown numb to it and don't even realize we're doing it. And there is a million different ways we do it. We're not just talking about looks, although isn't this one of the most obvious ways we compare ourselves? If you're a mom you could be comparing yourself to other moms and all of the things they accomplish alongside raising their children (yep, you caught me there, this is one is talking to me), or a co-worker who has been promoted while you're still waiting for your big chance leaves you wondering what she has that you don't, maybe you're a stay at home mom and you feel guilty because all of your friends who are moms work eight hours a day to help provide for their family, or maybe it's the other way around (sorry so many mom examples, I can't help it!).
I believe it is healthy, and even needed to recognize the good in others but by no means does it make any sense to take something good about someone else and subtract it from my value as a person just because I don't possess the same specific quality as them. We can't be all things at all times. We are all unique, we possess different traits, characteristics, interests, etc. The list goes on. Find freedom in embracing your uniqueness and allow yourself to be blessed by the uniqueness of others instead of feeling condemned for not being more like them.
There is a difference in being inspired by other women and comparing ourselves. One is positive and uplifting, the other is bondage.
Another thing Beth pointed out in this chapter was while we're comparing ourselves with other women we're turning them into rivals. To consider someone a rival we have to depersonalize that person. Woah.
My friend Brittany who was also at the girls' night said something along the lines of "We need to take down the magnifying glass and view other women as people just like us. They have hearts just like we do, they have struggles, desires, etc." Brit is really insightful and has a big, wonderful heart, and I always love hearing her perspective.
I think I could go on and on about this issue. I didn't realize how important it was until Thursday. It's huge! This may end up being a continuous topic. I hope this blessed you and gave you a new perspective.
On a completely unrelated note: