Here's what I found:

What do you think? I know it's probably hard to decide if you don't know me. I tend to think my face looks nicer with my hair down but I'd love to be able to pull of a pretty up-do.
10 tips on using social media for your indie biz
This first bit of wisdom is something I found on Yellow Songbird. Kim is the girl behind the blog as well as her successful handmade business called Oh Sweet Joy.
This is Kim:
{source & to find out more about her)
She shared ten tips from personal experience on running a successful business using social media. Here's a summary of her list:
1. Tweet often
2. Promote, but don't spam.
3. Keep things positive but be real.
4. The golden rule. Be nice!
5. Free is fun. Ex: Free earring with minimum purchase.
6. Offer exclusive discount/sales
7. Be inspiring and helpful.
8. Don't be too exclusive.
9. Be interactive.
10. Show people what life is like behind the scenes.
She expounded upon each point, you definitely need to read the entire post.
{learn more about her here}
Now, go read her post and create your own button!!!
Wanna know what the heck was in there?!
1. wallet {target} 2. keys 3. three kinds of lip gloss 4. nail polish 5. chocolate 6. coupons 7. feminine products 8. friendship bracelet {for a friend :)} 9. phone {not pictured}
Tell me, what else do you need?!!
Okay, you're right...maybe a checkbook. I usually keep mine in there too.
You've seen MY Daytrip Clutch, now go have a look at the one in the shop.
To celebrate all the new items that are popping up in the shop and YOU here is a DISCOUNT CODE:
Hope you all had a fantastic Tuesday!
I'd love to know what colors/patterns you would like to see on future clutches. Have a good idea? Comment below, I'd love to know! {I'm such a poet.}
Instead of doing a Tipsy Tuesday {because I kind of forgot about it and can't come up with anything this quickly} I decided to have fun with Polyvore & make some outfits with my favorite colors of the moment.
Favorite Colors: Robins Egg Blue {or turquoise}, Yellow, & Coral {or salmon}
Last night we were lucky enough to be able to go to the Natural's game for free with Dallas' work. Can I just stop and say real quick how awesome it is to have a baseball team (Minor League) in your home town?! Springdale, you are moving on up in the world. :)
Here he finally settled down and let me set him on the table (for a few minutes). This kid makes funny faces.
And this is on the ride home. We bought him a mini bat and ball set while we were there, can you tell he loves it?
We had fun! I love that we can drive just a few miles to go to a baseball game in the Summer. I'm excited to take Noah each year as he gets older. Maybe someday he'll want to play. He's already sports oriented. He has a t-ball set and a plastic golf set; he loves both. I guess we'll see if he decides to pursue one or the other. :)
What are some fun Summer activities you do with your family?
And now I get to partake in a made for Summer's definitely time to give the dogs a bath. :) Wish me luck!!
Now get outside and do something Summery. ;)